Provide around-the-clock library access
Self-service kiosk
As a fully-equipped self-service kiosk, patrons can browse the collection as well as borrow and return available library materials and hold items
Location independence
Use in high traffic areas such as airports, hospitals or malls
Product details
The mk LibDispenser® enables library service in areas where an independent branch is not possible.
Benefits for your patrons
- Convenient library extension in public high access areas such as train stations, airports, hospitals, malls, universities, etc.
- Uses familiar Online Catalog (OPAC) data from your ILS.
- Handles all types of library materials (books, CDs, DVDs, magazines, games).
- Checks items out and in. Returned items are immediately available for the next patron.
- Item identification and security via RFID.
- Library card identification via barcode, RFID (i.e. Mifare), magnetic strips.
- Simple and intuitive touch screen user interface.
- Optional Fine and Fee Payment via debit/credit cards.
- The patron takes only the item, just like a normal library – no extra boxes or cases that need to be returned to the same location.
- Can be configured to accept any library return item, the same as other branches.
Available Options
- Free-standing indoor or outdoor version.
- Indoor version with outdoor (through wall) retrieval station (check-in/check-out station).
- Separate browsing station(s), located beside the retrieval station or standalone browsing kiosk.
- Audio support.
- Climate control for outdoor version.